For Patients

Electronic Medical Records & Connected Health Solutions
Health care facilities across the world are adopting electronic medical records and connected health solutions for its wide range of benefits such as ease of use, streamlined capabilities, and costs savings.
AccessEMR aims to streamline processes, eliminate unnecessary obstacles, empower staff members to effectively deal with bigger, more important issues—your loved one’s health and wellbeing.
So what does this mean to you, as a patient at one of these facilities?
This dramatically reduces the processes a care facility needs to take.
At its current low adoption rate, EMRs, or electronic medical records, have saved patients 18 million hours per year in wait times – the equivalent of saving 25 lifetimes in waiting every year. If all health care facilities adopted connected health solutions, patients could cut a total of 76 million hours of waiting per year or 106 lifetimes of waiting saved.
Patient Benefits of
Electronic Records
Developed an allergy to peanuts recently? Maybe your body is sensitive to a type of medication? Fragments of your medical information and assessments are scattered throughout each care facility you visit—no single facility fully understands your medical needs. With AccessEMR, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc., will always have your most up-to-date medical record. That means doctors that you see for the first time know not to prescribe medication you react/are allergic to – even if you forget to mention it.
Gone are the days of writing a new form each time you visit a new care facility. With AccessEMR, your electronic medical record can be transferred to other care facilities, even if you’ve only visited them once, twice, or not at all. Whether it’s a new hospital, getting another lab test done, or living in a new retirement home, patients can now visit new health care facilities as if they’ve been visiting them for years.
Skip the Waiting Line
Imagine a world where your doctor can diagnose your symptoms from the comfort of your own bed. With our latest technology, TeleHealth, patients can request a physician to virtually diagnose your symptoms right from your home. Need a prescription by the end of the session? Not a problem. Doctors can write e-prescriptions to prescribe medication to you and send it virtually through your patient portal.
Your latest lab test results are with you no matter where you go – gone are the days of getting the same test done for different care facilities.
Patient Portal
Not sure what is being administered to your loved one? Maybe you don’t remember what drug you were prescribed? Whether you want to learn more about your recovery progress or it’s a loved one looking to learn more, our patient portal provides you access to vital information in real-time.
Private & Secure
Patients are our #1 concern. AccessEMR strictly adheres to patient privacy and confidentiality guidelines in accordance with the Health Information Act. Rest assured, our software is also encrypted from end-to-end. You can trust that your information is only received by your care provider.
The Time is Now Canada
The time is now for Canadians to receive personalized care, to gain access to their own medical records, and receive improved care with shorter wait times. If you’d like to learn more about how AccessEMR is transforming the way Canadians receive care, please click the link to learn more about one of our 2 products: