Exploring Solutions to Reduce Medical Errors in Canada
You expect your care to be safe when you enter a hospital, and for most people it is. However, a small portion of patients experience some type of unintended harm as a result of the care they receive. These are known as medical errors. In Canada, preventable medical errors account…

April 7th is World Health Day
It is said that “Health is Wealth” and is the most important asset one can hold. Why? Because no matter how much a person has materially, none of it matters unless they have the health to enjoy it. Sleeping on a bed of cash means nothing if we’re terminally ill. Whether it is the abundance of lack thereof, health…

What Telehealth Is and Why It Matters
Imagine a world where no matter where you lived, you had the opportunity to receive a high-level of care. From doctors diagnosing your symptoms despite their physical presence, or deciding a medical specialist you want, regardless of where they live in the world. Maybe your friend highly recommends the laser…

What are the Benefits of EHRs and EMRs?
In our previous post, we talked about what an EHR and EMR is and their differences. Today, we wanted to share some of the findings from Gartner, one of the world’s leading research companies, on how these two technologies can and will create substantial real-life benefits to Canada’s health care…
Canadians deserve to have better healthcare. Help us spread the word of how connected health solutions will benefit everyone and improve the quality of care that Canadians deserve.