ABOUT Access eHealth
About access ehealth technologies
Built to handle the workflow of care providers in medicine.

Modern technology advances at an alarming rate.
Devices that were thought to be science fiction are now simple science. Yet in Canada today, a large number of medical facilities still use paper-based systems to keep track of patient medical information. This poses unnecessary steps in processes that result in longer patient wait times, increased medical errors, and wasted resources.
Even EMRs in circulation today lack the features for the medical workflows of tomorrow.
Our Mission
Our mission is to create and promote better health for seniors by providing long-term and post acute care facilities innovative electronic medical record software, thereby improving quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of care.
2017 Commonwealth Fund report
Polled Canadian Seniors
Waited at least 4 weeks for a specialist appointment.
Received conflicting information from different health care providers.
Thought a medical mistake had been made in their treatment or care.